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Wiring method of finder intermediate relay

文章出處:芬德電子科技 / 作者:芬德電子科技 / 發(fā)表時間:2024-03-20

What is finder intermediate relay? thisFinder intermediate relayHow to connect correctly? I believe many people don't know. Let's have a look.

1、 How to connect the finder intermediate relay

We can see that the finder intermediate relay has a coil, which can automatically pull in under the action of magnetic force. For specific wiring, you need to connect the power supply to the finder intermediate relay. You only need to control one of the wires. When you press the button, the finder intermediate relay will light up. The zero line is directly connected to the lamp, and the live line is connected to the normally open contact of the finder intermediate relay, through which the wire is led out, and then connected to the live line of the lamp control lamp.


2、 What is finder intermediate relay

1. This product is mainly used to transmit signals, and can also control multiple circuits at the same time. For example, you can directly control some motors with slightly smaller capacity, or control some components.

2. Many people will mix contactors with contactors because their structures and principles are somewhat similar. But there is one difference. If it is an AC contactor, it has more contacts and smaller capacity. Relatively speaking, the contacts of the relay are less.

3. However, this finder intermediate relay is different from ordinary relays, because there are slightly more types of contacts than ordinary relays. And each contact allows a large amount of current, which can connect and disconnect the circuit.

3、 Finder type of intermediate relay

1. One is static, which adopts the principle of integrated circuit and has a certain seismic effect. And it is mainly used in some more precise electronic components. It is more accurate and has the function of dust prevention and moisture prevention.

2. There is also an electromagnetic type, in which a certain voltage is added at both ends of the coil, which is convenient for customers. Correspondingly, there is also a type with holding, which can maintain the action of voltage and the type of current holding.

Summary: the above introduction is about what is finder intermediate relay and how to correctly wire this finder intermediate relay. It is relatively simple. And its application scope is also very wide, and there are many kinds of classification.

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