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The role of finder relay in electronic field

文章出處:芬德電子科技 / 作者:芬德電子科技 / 發(fā)表時間:2024-01-17

In modern production, the application of power system has been very popular. Many enterprises apply it to the power system when the machine is running. In this system, the use of relay is essential, because the position of relay is very important. As a key control equipment, we should know its role. Today I'll show youFinder relayIn the contemporary electronic field.

As a control device, finder relay has control system (also known as input circuit) and controlled system (also known as output circuit). It is usually used in automatic control circuit. In fact, it is an "automatic switch" that uses small current to control large current. Thus, it plays the role of automatic regulation, safety protection, circuit conversion and so on. It can be said that the relay is both a controller and a protector. It is common in industry and electronics.

Finder relay is an automatic switching element with isolation function. It is widely used in automatic production lines. Now it is widely used in remote control, telemetry, communication, automatic control, electromechanical integration and power electronic equipment. It is one of the very important control elements.

In terms of working structure, finder relays generally have an induction mechanism (input part), which can reflect certain input variables (such as current, voltage, power, impedance, frequency, temperature, pressure, speed, light, etc.); There is an actuator (output part), which can realize the "on" and "off" control of the controlled circuit; There is also an intermediate mechanism (driving part) between the input part and the output part of the relay, which is used to couple and isolate the input quantity, drive the intermediate mechanism (driving part) of the function processing and output part. Now this has played a very important role in the automatic actuator.


Finder relay is essentially an electrical appliance that transmits signals. It achieves different control purposes according to the input signals. Finder relay is usually used to turn on and off the control element as a control appliance (motor). To sum up, the finder relay has the following functions:

1. Finder relay can expand the control range. For example, when the control signal of the multi contact relay reaches a certain value, the multi-channel circuit can be switched, disconnected and connected at the same time according to the different forms of the contact group.

2. The finder relay can be amplified. For example, sensitive relays, intermediate relays, etc. with a small control quantity, a large power control circuit can be used.

3. The finder relay can synthesize signals. For example, when a plurality of control signals are input to a multi winding relay in a prescribed form, the predetermined control effect is achieved by comparison and synthesis.

4. Finder relay can be automatically, remotely controlled and monitored. For example, the relay on automatic equipment can form a program control circuit with other electrical appliances to realize automatic operation.

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